The "experts" say you shouldn't encourage baby talk. I say lighten up! We mothers of two-year-olds deal with all manner of challenging behavior and face potty training to boot. Let's savor those elements of this stage that are sweet. Blossoming speech certainly is.
A few of John's milestones:
First word: Mama
First two-word combination: Hot Plate! (Said with a Spanish accent.)
Longest: Pwize! Aunt Patti gave it to me.
Melts my heart: Dadt! He is here! Dadt! (Followed by a high speed race to the door.)
Wish he’d never learned it: No fair!
Courtesy of his older brothers: ‘Tupid!
On itchy jammies: I don’t wike dem. Okay?
He’s a boy: It need new battweez.
On Ainsley: I hold it!
An odd one: It’s mah thumb dwive!
Three cheers for the two-year-olds in our lives. They are, indeed, pwecious.
My favorite is definitely: hot pwate! Too perfect.
As for potty training, don't remind me!
We had a good laugh over "hot plate." He said it before our waiter had a chance.
As for potty training, I think May sounds like a good time to try.
I'm glad I made the list! That's my darlin'. What didn't make the list was, "NO, DAWG!"
He says "No, dawg" at home.
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