When Ainsley fell asleep standing up, John thoughtfully placed an Indiana Jones hat on her head.
2. My annual visit with the dermatologist included that wonderful "full body check" that makes childbirth seem minimally invasive. Gulp. The good news? I'm off the hook for another twelve months. The bad news? Two spots that need to be blasted. If you see me looking like I've taken up boxing, you'll know why.
3. When Ainsley's not turning John into a toy poodle, I can hear her talking to Daddy on the phone. The conversation never varies.
Ainsley: Hi, Daddy. You at work? You come back home? Bye! I love you.
4. Downton Abbey is back again. I'm pining for high tea, a butler, and a lady's maid (though I'll pass on O'Brien). As the reviews suggest, I've found Season II a tad choppy, but I appreciate the fact that characters who seemed so one dimensionally evil now show glimpses of humanity. Few of us are quite so black or white.
5. My in-laws are coming next week, and we can't wait to see them. Their pending arrival has spurred me on in a few household projects that have languished. Really, I should have house guests once a month. I've finished a massive re-shuffling of furniture. I now have a desk that's serving as a vanity.
These forty-seven -year-old eyes can't handle applying make-up in the bathroom. I need a chair, a flat surface, and a high-powered magnfiying mirror with bright lights. Or maybe it's the Downton Abbey influence? Rest assured, no one is brushing my hair before bed every night.
6. Ainsley has started joining us for the tail end of Sunday Mass. I've identified a direct correlation between the length of the after-Mass announcements and the volume of Ainsley's voice. This past Sunday, she was loud, but too, too sweet. "Jesus loves me, " she said, looking at the cross. "He loves me up dere."
Yes, he does, sweet angel.
7. I hit the library and checked out Middlemarch. Daniel Deronda did not disappoint in either book or film. I'm up for a thick read.
Head over to Jen's place to post your update.
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