Tuesday, April 06, 2010

On My Mind...

- My mother who is suffering a wide variety of debilitating ailments with no end in sight.

- Twenty-five dead miners and the many, many loved ones mourning this day.

- A friend carrying a heavy cross.

- Another friend, coming out of a difficult year, and preparing to open a bakery in the next week or so.

- My ten second-graders who will gather tomorrow to meditate on The Parable of the Lost Coin. God never gives up on us!

- How much I loved having my big boys home last week and how much I miss them today. On my good days, I think I would love homeschooling.

- How much I love John's little voice. We pulled into the grocery store this morning, and he said, "I don't like dis house." Well, I don't either, but we were out of milk, toilet paper, and spray and wash.

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