Tuesday, January 04, 2011

A Few Christmas Favorites

Favorite Memories

* Seeing Ainsley kneel in front of the creche.
* Watching Tim serve Christmas Eve Mass.
* Making cookies with John, Kolbe, and Tim. The cookies might have been mediocre, but the company was first rate.
* Taking the last package to the post office.
* Reading cards from friends I haven't heard from in years.
* Watching Tim play Clue with four of his best friends.

Favorite Pic

* This is a tough one, but Ainsley kissing her baby is right on up there.
Favorite Gifts

* Ainsley - Dolly from Grandma and stroller from Nana.
* John - Fire cwuck from his brothers.
* Kolbe - Light saber from Auntie Kate.
* Tim - Clue the DVD Game from Grandma.
* Mom - Pretty jammies from Daddy.
* Dad - Cool coffee mug and the gift card for Harbor Freight Tools, the Mecca for all that is cheap and handy.
Favorite New Ornament

* Buzz Lightyear. Hands down, he's number one. Let's hope he survives longer than the Grinch did.

Favorite Christmas Movie

* Is it anathema to admit that it's Elf?  Bob Newhart's role is small, but he is too darn funny.

Favorite Foods

* Toffee, toffee, and more toffee!
* Chocolate peanut butter cheesecake.

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