Thursday, February 28, 2013


Cari is rounding up pictures of joy. Head over to her blog and add yours. Here's my best shot:

A moment after John swam for the first time.
Subtitle: An Orthodontist's Dream


Colleen said...

Ha! Love the subtitle! And that's a really great picture :)

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh. I love, love, love this shot! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

Rebekah Es said...

WOW! Amazing shot!

And don't doom him to metal yet! Tooth miracles happen!

Christie said...

What a beautiful picture! I love how children's joy shines right through them.

Unknown said...

That is such a fantastic shot! I love the water in his eyelashes and how proud he seems. I think the crooked teeth really make the picture come to life, though I feel for his future orthodontic pain.

Anonymous said...

Very sweet. And I love the close up. I'm so impressed you were able to get the shot!

Micaela Darr said...

Raw emotion! Incredible. Love his fingers pressed so hard against his eyes.

bobbi said...

That photo is so alive you can almost hear his giggles. Great shot! (and subtitle.) :-)