Friday, March 04, 2011

Seven Quick Takes

Hallie over at Betty Beguiles is hosting Seven Quick Takes. Here's a snippet of our life:

1. John's pre-school teacher is wondering if he might be color blind, a thought I have shared before. Hmmm.

John loves both school and his teacher. I love that with child # 4, I can hear of a potential problem and remain perfectly at peace with a sure sense that most things come out in the wash.

2. John came crying to us in the middle of the night. "There was a bug," he sobbed, "and it turned into a spider web. I was so scary."" Not scared - scary. Love that. He spent the rest of the night with his arm wrapped around mine. Love that even more.

3. Kolbe's cast came off this morning. Four broken bones in one year!

4. On the way to school this morning, the boys taught Ainsley to say the word naked. I'm simply beaming with pride.

5. Went to Tim's soccer game yesterday. 
Time spent making arrangements for Kolbe, packing snacks, loading babies, watching game? Three hours, easy.

Playing time? About one hundred and twenty seconds.

Showing your son that your support is unconditional? Priceless.
6. I'm convinced that the person who first fashioned the ladder back chair never had a toddler.

7. Melanie Bettinelli who blogs at (and has just had a beautiful baby boy) included Connie Willis in her book reviews a while back. I am hooked! Blackout and All Clear are awesome reads especially if you love time travel and history. I just started To Say Nothing of the Dog.

Off on retreat for the weekend. Hope yours is peaceful.


Melanie Bettinelli said...

Oh I'm so glad you enjoyed Blackout and All Clear. I just love sharing good reads.

Kelly@http:/ said...

Melanie - Thanks for visiting. I am in the middle of To Say Nothing of the Dog. I am not enjoying as well as the first two I read. I liked The Doomsday Book, although it's sad.

Thanks for introducing me to Connie Willis.

How's that sweet baby doing?

- Kelly

Melanie Bettinelli said...

To Say Nothing of the Dog is definitely a different style and tone than the other time travel novels. I think that's one of the things I most admire about Willis, her great versatility that can write a novel in the same vein as the others but that has it's inspiration rooted in a different genre. Still, I could understand why if you like the one you might not like the other as well.

I do think I'd have appreciated it even more had I first read the novel that inspired it, Three Men in a Boat, which I'm reading now. It's a very funny book and it's rather fascinating how Willis' To Say Nothing of the Dog interacts with the original text.

Anthony is doing well. Drowning in love. Strangely, he's sleeping better at night than his big sisters. They're the ones who are leaving poor Dom with circles under his eyes in the mornings. Ah, such is life...